How to Find Your Target Audience (for Your Instagram) in 2023

Your Instagram content can’t attract everybody, and even if it could, let me assure you: it would be a terrible idea. You can’t please everyone because you simply can’t be everything to EVERYONE. That’s why in 2022, you have to focus on people who matter to you – those who have something in common with you and those who have the potential to become your future clients and engaged members of your tribe. And the rest? They’re someone else’s target audience!

To make it clear from square one: finding your target audience is the ultimate key to making the most of your Instagram marketing, your time, and… Your content, of course. 

What the Heck Is the Target Audience?

Let’s start with a real-life example to exemplify it better.

As you already know, I’m a certificated marketing specialist (and if you don’t, then nice to meet you today: I’m Kate, and I’m an Instagram marketing expert and have been working in the field for over five years and counting!), and yup, I’ve decided to focus on the Instagram platform, as it’s my beloved one. I help people get started on the ‘Gram, create a clear and effective strategy, conduct a competitor analysis, and, to put it in a nutshell: I do everything I can to help my readers and clients crush their Instagram marketing goals.

Do you think I should focus on attracting people who work 9-5 and wouldn’t even like to run their own business or side hustle in the future? Should I attract people who HATE social media? Or maybe should I attract 10-13 yrs old girls?

I suppose you’re laughing a bit now, and you’re asking yourself, “what, is she kidding, of course NOT”.

And no doubt, you’re right – those are people who neither need my guidance nor Instagram marketing services. That’s why I don’t focus on attracting them! 

I bet you can already guess what defining the target audience is all about: your target audience is a group of people most likely to benefit from consuming your content, and most likely to buy your services or your products (if you’re offering any or plan to do it in the future). The target audience for a fancy, paid kindergarten is 3-7 -year-olds from prosperous families, and the target audience for the feminine yoga camps are women interested in improving their lives and gaining better muscle flexibility.

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As you can see: a target audience is the group of people who will find the offer most helpful. In your case: it’s the group of people who need your Instagram content and who will enjoy the topics you’re going to discuss there.

What Do We Need To Analyze To Define Your Target Audience?

The most commonly used data points that can help us define the target audience of an Instagram profile are:

  • gender
  • age
  • location
  • interests
  • dislikes
  • ambitions
  • future plans
  • income

Identifying your target audience is as simple as analyzing who you are creating your content for and whose problem you are trying to solve. How old are those people? What do they love? What aspirations do they have? What problems are they facing? 

How To Identify Your Target Audience and Create Content That Is Going to Appeal to Them? (Step by Step)

As you already know, your social media presence needs a mission, defined branding/aesthetic, tone of voice, and – our today’s challenge – the defined target audience. What is crucial: you can’t decide on those first three factors until you know who you’re talking to. Sometimes the answers to the question “who my target audience is?” are pretty obvious. For example, if you’re sharing killer home interior ideas on a budget, then your target audience is like-minded people who love stylish interiors, don’t like spending too much on overpriced furniture and appreciate saving money.

However, the answer isn’t always so CLEAR and easy to find.

When defining your target audience, the important thing to keep in mind is that your TA isn’t always your circle and your friends. If you’re talking only to your peers when you’re designing your content and writing captions, you’re losing a chance to attract people who are interested more deeply in what you have to say. You have to define who your IDEAL follower is – only then you can start creating posts that are going to attract the right people and inspire them to interact and connect with you.

Understand the Mission Behind Your Content

WHOSE PROBLEMS ARE YOU SOLVING? When you’re creating your content, you should know who you’re talking to and why they need to listen. The ultimate goal? Have a target audience you really can help! Don’t you want to influence somebody’s life and improve it?

Yup, that’s a rhetorical question!

It’s really beneficial (and even that is an understatement) to have a target audience with problems you’re able to SOLVE, because you’ve been there too, and you just know what they need. 

Choose 3-4 Content Pillars Your Target Audience Is Interested In 

The only way you’ll be able to create content really consistently and remain on the right track is by narrowing down the topics you take up into 3-4 content pillars. Remember, if you’re trying to brand yourself on the ‘Gram, you’re no longer just posting pretty things your family and friends would love. You have to talk directly to your target audience (= your ideal followers, people who have the potential to buy something from you in the future).

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To gain extra motivation, and get straight to the point, ask yourself: “Why do I want to be active on Instagram?

Are you trying to grow your tribe? Do you want to share your love for stylish interiors?

Your answer must be as specific as it can be, and no, it can’t be as generic as “I just want to share my daily life here, and get some love!”.

That’s not enough, not today, not in 2022.

Instead of “I just want to share my daily life and get some love!”, your number one Instagram goal could be: “I want to inspire young people who don’t have plenty of money but are on a constant hunt for stylish accessories, to spend even less and choose the best deals”. Your goal should include two things: why you’re sharing your content and why people should follow you in the first place. 

This will feel like a weird transition, but if you’re dedicated to growing your Instagram presence, it HAS TO be done.


tactics to create shareable content

Why Your Audience Really Needs To Know What Type of Content To Expect From Your Profile (AKA: What To Do To Attract Your Target Audience)

If you followed an account because you wanted to learn more about French culture, and then they started posting about Greek cuisine, you’d probably stop following them, huh? That’s why sticking to your 3-4 topics helps you vibe with your community, make them more engaged, and build credibility in your domain. 

If you want to gain REAL and loyal followers – stick to your pillars and your niche. When users come across a post they like on Explore Page, they’ll usually head to the creator’s feed. If they were drawn in by a video about learning French vocab, and they land on a profile that normally posts about preparing raw meat – as you can easily guess… They’re not going to become engaged members of this creator’s tribe.

To attract your ideal followers, you want to keep your content focused on the domain you have expertise in. That way, when your potential followers click on your profile, they’ll want to tap the gorgeous follow button because your profile will match the content they’ve just got intrigued by.

Instagram Guide how to grow on instagram 2021

Defining Your Perfect Target Audience FAQ!

You may have heard terms like an Instagram avatar or Instagram target market thrown around all the time and came out a little frightened of these unknown, techy terms. That’s why today I’m hoping to help you solve the mystery surrounding the Instagram target audience defining process! I get lots of target audience defining related questions, so after answering many of them, I’ve pulled them all together into today’s Q&A! If you have other questions, please ask them in the comments, or DM me on the Gram, and I’ll add your question to the post!

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How do I figure the target audience for my Instagram profile? Can you give me a brief summary of this process? 

You sit down and analyze: what problems are you solving with your content, and who can find your Instagram profile most helpful. Then, you dive deeper into the needs of this group. 

Then you write it down.

Fun fact: I’m still a bit old-fashioned, so when it comes to me – I like to write it down with a fancy notepad and pen!

How can I attract my target audience if I don’t want to invest in paid ads?

Here are a few ideas to use right now:

  • Quora (People still ask a lot of questions there. Share some of your Instagram content with mentioning your username, and voila: some readers will head over to your profile)
  • Use Pinterest and pin infographics based on your Instagram content
  • Facebook groups
  • Comment trending creators from your niche
  • Collaborate with other Instagrammers 

Is the target audience the same as the target market?

If you reach for marketing handbooks, you’ll find out that they say the target audience is a more specific form of a target market. 

But in general, these terms are highly similar: The target market is also a group of people you want to attract and help. 

Why is the target audience important? And why should I define it? Do I really need it? 

If there is ONE thing you should focus on as soon as you start creating conscious content for your Instagram profile is to define your target audience. Defining your ‘Gram audience is a key component to growing your account in the right direction! Why?

  • Your target audience affects your decisions about your content tone, topics you discuss, the aesthetics of your profile, and your branding.
  • It just orients your content creation efforts in the right direction.
  • It helps you to optimize marketing costs.
  • It helps you create specific content that will sell like hot apple pie!
  • Without having a ‘Gram target audience, your profile is just an online diary (so don’t expect it to bring you money as quickly as it could).
  • When users from your target become your followers, they become your loyal fans.

Can you define my target audience for me? I’m afraid I just can’t do it on my own. 

If you need help getting started, I think I have a solution for you. Did you know we have launched IQ Custom Audits? An audit is definitely beneficial if you’re unsure where to go next with your ‘Gram and whether you’re attracting the right target audience. I will review your profile and your current content strategy – you’ll get a personalized report full of impactful insights. And well, I will reveal some of my best-kept secrets there 😉 Have a look!


And therrrre you have it! You now have all the knowledge to define and reach your ideal Instagram target audience and create posts that speak directly to their ambitions and needs. Side benefits of having a well-defined target audience? You will see rewards in time with higher organic reach, more shares, increased engagement, and many new followers. Keep my word.